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Chartered Institute of Arbitrators International and Commercial Arbitration Workshop

Chartered Institute of Arbitrators International and Commercial Arbitration Workshop

Accelerated Route to Fellowship:
International and Commercial Arbitration Workshop
& Award Writing Examination

Presented by The Chartered Institute of Arbitrators, North American Branch

The Accelerated Route to Fellowship Program is a designed for senior practitioners in the field of dispute resolution procedures. Fellowship is the highest grade of Institute membership and allows the use of the designation FCIArb.The program focuses on applicable laws and procedures for the conduct of efficient arbitration hearings in complex international cases.

Who Should Attend?

Either Practicing lawyers with at least 10 years litigation experience or Practicing Arbitrators active for at least 10 years. Non-lawyers must have completed the CIArb Module 1 program, and other requirements listed at

Satisfactory assessment of performance in role play exercises will permit the candidate to take the award writing examination for qualification as a Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators, which will be administered as part of the program. The three-day program is a process comprised of three elements:

  1. Oral Assessment
    This element of the Accelerated Route to Fellowship Program consists of two days of oral assessment based on a case study of a dispute. You will be assessed on your knowledge, judgment and self-presentation on a series of problems, written exercises and role play, as well as your reasoned award writing ability.
  2. Written Assessment
    Written assignments will be part of the assessment process during the workshop. NB, one of the written assignments will be prepared in advance of the workshop and will be collected early on the first day of the workshop.
  3. Award Writing Examination
    This element consists of a written open book examination in which an Award must be written and fully reasoned, based on the evidence in an arbitration proceeding. The exam is administered as part of this weekend program. To receive a passing grade, the Award must meet international standards for enforcement. This element is included in the tuition cost of this Program.

Following successful completion of the three elements described above candidates may apply for a Peer Interview. There will be a separate charge for the Peer Interview process: it is not included in the tuition cost of this Program. Click here for tuition information.

JAMS, The Resolution Experts
620 8th Ave.
34th Floor
New York, NY 94111

Timing and Scheduling

  • The workshops will commence at 9:00 AM on Friday, October 25th, 2013 and conclude at 5:00 PM on Saturday, October 26th, 2013.
  • The award writing examinations will commence at 9:00 a.m. and conclude at 1:00 PM on Sunday, October 27th, 2013.
  • There will be a cocktail and dinner for Candidates and Faculty on Friday, October 25th, 2013 starting at 6:30 p.m. 
  • Strong demand is anticipated for this program and it is advisable to confirm registration at the earliest possible date.

Philip W. Engle
Chartered Institute of Arbitrators, North American Branch
Phone: 1-770-653-1441

For additional information and to register, click here.

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